Google is supporting two students to attend Doctoral Consortium at ASSETS.
Doctoral Consortium
How the Consortium Will Work
The Consortium will be held on Sunday, October 25th in Lisbon,Portugal. During the Consortium, each student will make a formal presentation about his or her doctoral research. Feedback will be given by each member of the faculty panel, as well as by the other student participants. Discussion will be encouraged.
The feedback will be geared toward helping student participants understand and articulate how their work is positioned, relative to other research on Assistive Technologies, Universal Accessibility, and Universal Usability. Feedback will also address whether their topics are adequately focused for thesis research projects, whether their methods are correctly chosen and applied, and whether their results are being appropriately analyzed and presented.
Student participants will also present their research in the main conference during a poster session that is dedicated specifically to the work of the Doctoral Consortium participants. This will allow conference attendees to interact with, and ask questions of, the Doctoral Consortium participants, and will allow the participants the opportunity to get feedback from a larger audience.
Goals of the Consortium
The overall goals of the Consortium are to:
- Provide a supportive setting for promising young researchers to give a short, critiqued research presentation, and then receive feedback from other student participants, and from established researchers in the field of Assistive Technologies, Universal Accessibility, and Universal Usability about their current research, as well as guidance on future research directions.
- Provide opportunities for the student participants to make contact with experts in the field, and to receive fresh perspectives and comments on their work from researchers outside their own institution - including both faculty and students.
- Enable the student participants to attend the ASSETS 2015 conference, to contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers and conference events, to learn of potential career paths within academia and industry, and to gain access to an international network of researchers who can support their professional development.
The overall purpose of the Consortium is to encourage and prepare a group of promising young researchers dedicated to Assistive Technologies, Universal Accessibility, and Universal Usability.
Who Should Apply
The purpose of the Doctoral Consortium is to provide feedback to Doctoral candidates at an early stage of their research, in order to help guide and shape their research program. Students submitting proposals to the Doctoral Consortium may also submit a different piece of work to the Student Research Competition, but may not submit the same work to both the Doctoral Consortium and the Student Research Competition.
Note: Student work that is complete, or near to completion, should be submitted as either a technical paper or a poster.
Relevant Topics
Relevant topics for the Consortium are the same as for the conference as a whole. See the Call for Papers.
How to Apply
Each Doctoral Consortium application must contain the following materials:
Cover Letter
The cover letter should contain the following information:
- A statement of interest in participating in the Doctoral Consortium
- The full name of University and Department in which the candidate is earning his/her doctorate degree
- The name of the supervising professor
- Full contact information, including address, telephone number, fax number, and email address
- The title of the research, and keywords pertinent to the research
- The URL of the candidate's web page (if any)
Project Summary
The Research Summary must be two pages long in the ACM conference format including: title, author information, abstract, keywords, thesis research summary, and references. This extended abstract must clearly address:
- The problem that the proposed research is addressing
- The motivation behind this research, including a broad comparison with the related literature
- The proposed solution, including a brief description of the proposed methodology to the solution
- The stage of the candidate's program of study, including the status of the research (i.e., what has been done to date, and what still needs to be done)
- The envisioned contributions to the accessibility field
- What the candidate hopes to gain from the Doctoral Consortium
- Bibliographical references
Letter of Recommendation
A letter from the primary thesis advisor/supervisor that briefly states what the advisor/supervisor expects the student to gain from, and contribute to the consortium.
The Candidate's CV
The candidate is required to submit a CV (maximum of 2 pages) that relates her/his background, relevant experience, and research accomplishments.
Submission Format
The Cover Letter, the Project Summary, the Letter of recommendation, and the candidate's CV should be submitted to the Doctoral Consortium Chairs via the doctoral consortium submission site as separate PDF documents by Midnight HAST (GMT-10:00) on 25 June 2015. Note that submissions are not double blind submissions; the applicant's name must appear on the documents.
Student Participant Selection Process
The Doctoral Consortium applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- The originality of work
- The importance of the work and potential impacts to the accessibility field
- The soundness and correctness of the proposed approach to address the problem
In selecting participants the committee may also consider balance in geographic areas and topics covered.
Following the Doctoral Consortium, the participants may be invited to submit revised and updated papers for publication in a 2016 issue of the SIGACCESS Newsletter.
Sign Language Interpreting or Captioning
Upon request, Sign Language interpreting or captioning will be provided for the Doctoral Consortium, and all other ASSETS events. Requests for an interpreter or captioner must be indicated on the conference registration form when registering for ASSETS 2015.
Important Dates
- Proposal submissions: 25 June 2015, Thursday, midnight HAST (GMT-10:00)
- Notification of acceptance: 23 July 2015, Thursday
Travel and Hotel Expenses
Upon acceptance some expenses will be funded such as conference registration, hotel (based on double occupancy) and travel expenses (up to $1500 for US students and up to $800 for non-US students). Food will be provided for lunch and dinner during the consortium.